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Books About 19th Century Baseball
        Before steroids. Before large stadiums. The world of 19th century baseball was like nothing else. If you've never visited this era vicariously through the written word, you're in for a real treat. Those that have made the journey can attest that the sport was colorful, violent, and utterly chaotic. Everyone from newspaper men to owners to players to fans to the game's top officials seemed deeply committed to make baseball the number one spectator sport in America. All the while, however, these "gentlemen" harangued vociferously as to how that goal would be accomplished. Rude wenching and drinking behaviors dominated -- all freely reported in the press of the day. And the games, oh the games on the field...

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        "COMMY": The Life Story of Charles A. Comiskey, G.W. Axelson, Reilly & Lee, 1919.
Biography of one of the early game's hellions and later infamous owner of the Chicago White Sox.

"Father of Baseball, The": A Biography of Henry Chadwick, Andrew Schiff, McFarland, 2008.
Biography of early baseball sportswriter, statistician, historian and inventor of the box score.

100 Seasons of Buffalo Baseball, The, Joseph Overfield, Partners' Press, 1985.

1895 Cleveland Spiders, The, John Phillips, Capital Publishing, 1990.

1898 Base-Ball Fe-As-Ko, The, Randall Beth Platt, Catbird Press, 2000.

19th Century Baseball in Chicago, Mark Rucker, Arcadia, 2003.

99 Spiders: The Story of the Worst Baseball Team Ever to Play in the Major Leagues, The, John Phillips, Capital Publishing, 1988.

A Fine-Looking Lot of Ball Tossers: The Remarkable Akrons of 1881, Richard L. McBane, McFarland, 2005.

A Tale of Two Cities: Nineteenth Century Baseball`s Most Exciting Season, 1889, in Contemporary Accounts, Jean-Pierre Caillault, McFarland, 2003.

A. G. Spalding and the Rise of Baseball: The Promise of an American Sport, Peter Levine, Oxford UP, 1985.
The history of early baseball as told by one of its most prominent characters. Spalding was a star player, team owner and founder of the sporting goods empire that still bears his name.

Abner Doubleday: A Civil War Biography, Thomas Barthel, McFarland, 2010.
Contains one chapter on the myth relating to Doubleday being the inventor of baseball.

African American Baseball Experience in Nebraska, The, Angelo J. Louisa, ed., McFarland, 2021.

Alexander Cartwright: The Life behind the Baseball Legend, Monica Nucciarone, University of Nebraska Press, 2008.
Seminal biography of one of baseball's early pioneers.

Always on Sunday: The California Baseball League, 1886 - 1915, John Spalding, Ag Press, 1992.

Amazing 1889 Babes, The, John Phillips, Capital Publishing, .

America, Albert Spalding, University of Nebraska Press, 1992.
Reprint of one of the game's early histories.

America, John Richard Betts, Addison-Wesley, 1974.

American Baseball: From the Gentleman`s Sport to the Commissioner System, David Q. Voigt, Penn State UP, 1983.

Arlie Latham, L.M. Sutter, McFarland, 2012.
Biography of "The Freshest Man on Earth".

Art of Baseball Batting, Henry Chadwick, A.G. Spalding, 1885.

Art of Fielding: With a Chapter on Base Running, Henry Chadwick, A.G. Spalding, 1885.

Bad Bill Dahlen: The Rollicking Times of an Early Baseball Star, Lyle Spatz, McFarland, 2004.
Makes the case for Dahlen to be in the Baseball Hall of Fame.

Ball Player's Career, A, A.C. Anson, Era Publishing, 1900.
Seminal baseball biography of the legendary player and manager of the Chicago White Stockings.

Balldom, George Moreland, Horton Publishing, 1989.

Ballparks of North America: 1845 to Present, Michael Benson, McFarland, 1991.
Combined with details about ballparks, this book presents some interesting nineteenth century sidelights.

Ballplayers, The, Mike Shatzkin, Arbor House, 1990.

Banana Bats and Ding-Dong Balls: A Century of Unique Baseball Inventions, Dan Gutman, Macmillan, 1995.

Base Ball Founders: The Clubs, Players and Cities of the Northeast That Established the Game, Peter Morris, editor, et al, McFarland, 2013.

Base Ball in Cincinnati, Harry Ellard, Johnson & Hardin, 1907.

Base Ball on the Western Reserve: The Early Game in Cleveland and Northwest Ohio, Year by Year and Town by Town, James M. Egan Jr., McFarland, 2007.

Base Ball Pioneers, 1850-1870: The Clubs and Players Who Spread the Sport Nationwide, Peter Morris, ed., McFarland, 2012.

Base Ball, Vol. 1 No 1: A Journal of the Early Game, John Thorn, ed., McFarland, 2007.

Base Ball, Vol. 1 No. 2: A Journal of the Early Game, John Thorn, ed., McFarland, 2007.

Base Ball, Vol. 2 No. 1: A Journal of the Early Game, John Thorn, ed., McFarland, 2008.

Base Ball, Vol. 2 No. 2: A Journal of the Early Game, John Thorn, ed., McFarland, 2008.

Base Ball, Vol. 3: A Journal of the Early Game, John Thorn, ed., McFarland, 2009.

Base Ball, Vol. 4 No. 1: A Journal of the Early Game, John Thorn, ed., McFarland, 2010.

Base Ball, Vol. 4 No. 2: A Journal of the Early Game, John Thorn, ed., McFarland, 2010.

Base Ball, Vol. 5 No. 1: A Journal of the Early Game, John Thorn, ed., McFarland, 2011.

Base Ball, Vol. 5 No. 2: A Journal of the Early Game, John Thorn, ed., McFarland, 2011.

Base Ball, Vol. 6 No. 1: A Journal of the Early Game, John Thorn, ed., McFarland, 2012.

Base Ball, Vol. 6 No. 2: A Journal of the Early Game, John Thorn, ed., McFarland, 2012.

Base Ball, Vol. 7: A Journal of the Early Game, John Thorn, ed., McFarland, 2013.

Base Ball, Vol. 8: A Journal of the Early Game, John Thorn, ed., McFarland, 2014.

Base Ball, Vol. 9: A Journal of the Early Game, John Thorn, ed., McFarland, 2015.

Base Ball: How To Become A Player, John Montgomery Ward, Society for American Baseball Research, 1983.
Ballplayer-lawyer-labor activist 1880s Ward's treatment on training, theory, strategy, and positional playing. Positively a gem. Reprint.

Baseball 10: New Research on the Early Game, Don Jensen, ed., McFarland, 2018.

Baseball 11: New Research on the Early Game, Don Jensen, ed., McFarland, 2019.

Baseball 12: New Research on the Early Game, Don Jensen, ed., McFarland, 2021.

Baseball and Cricket: The Creation of American Team Sports, 1838-1872, George B. Kirsch, University of Illinois Press, 2007.

Baseball Before We Knew It, David Block, University of Nebraska Press, 2005.

Baseball Chronology, The, James Charlton, ed., Macmillan, 1991.

Baseball Cyclopedia. The, Ernest Lanigan, Horton Publishing, 1988.

Baseball Fever: Early Baseball in Michigan, Peter C. Morris, University of Michigan Press, 2003.
Study of embryonic game in Michigan, 1850's to 1875 including info about early use of fielding gloves.

Baseball From the Newspaper Accounts, Preston Orem, Self Published, 1966.
A popular account of nineteenth century baseball with undocumented facts which should be used with caution by serious researchers.

Baseball in 1889: Players vs. Owners, Daniel M. Pearson, Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1993.
Extraordinary account of two blood and guts pennant races and the growing labor unrest that followed the season.

Baseball in Baltimore: The First 100 Years, James Bready, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998.

Baseball in Blue and Gray: The National Pastime During the Civil War, George B. Kirsch, Princeton University Press, 2003.
As the Civil War raged, America developed their national sport. Stories of early players and the prison-in-baseball issue.

Baseball in Bridgeport, from Barnum to the Bluefish, Mike Roer, Academy Group, 1998.

Baseball in Philadelphia: A History of the Early Game, 1831-1900, John Shiffert, McFarland, 2006.
Philadelphia was a very important city in the rise of the early game of baseball.

Baseball in Territorial Arizona: A History, 1863-1912, John Derrin Tenney, McFarland, 2016.

Baseball in the Afternoon, Robert Smith, Simon & Schuster, 1993.
Largely anecdotal, time-travel through baseball's legendary games and players. Contains 19th century text.

Baseball in the Garden of Eden: The Secret History of the Early Game, John Thorn, Simon & Schuster, 2012.

Baseball in Washington, Frank Ceresi, Arcadia Publishing, 2002.

Baseball Pioneers: Ratings of Nineteenth Century Players, Charles F. Faber, McFarland, 1997.

Baseball Rowdies of the 19th Century: Brawlers, Drinkers, Pranksters and Cheats in the Early Days of the Major Leagues, Eddie Mitchell, McFarland, 2018.

Baseball Team Names: A Worldwide Dictionary, 1869-2011, Richard Worth, McFarland, 2013.
Explains the names of thousands of franchises.

Baseball`s Best Pitchers 1876-1992, Ralph Horton, Horton Publishing Company, 1993.

Baseball`s First Indian: Louis Sockalexis: Penobscot Legend, Cleveland Indian, Ed Rice, Tide-Mark Press, 2003.

Baseball`s First Stars, Frederick Ivor-Campbell, ed., Society for American Baseball Research, 1996.
Companion volume to Nineteenth Century Stars, this one includes Hall of Famers, and bios of longer length than its predecessor.

Baseball`s Radical for All Seasons: A Biography of John Montgomery Ward, David Stevens, Scarecrow Press, 1999.
Biography of arguably the most important man in 19th century baseball whose influence resonates today.

Baseball`s Who`s Who of What Ifs: Players Derailed en Route to Cooperstown, Bill Deane, McFarland, 2021.

Baseball: A History Of America`s Game, Benjamin G. Rader, University of Illinois Press, 1994.

Baseball: The Early Years, Harold Seymour, Oxford University Press, 1960.
Groundbreaking definitive early study of baseball history from an economic, cultural, historical perspective.

Baseball: The People`s Game, Harold Seymour, Oxford University Press, 1990.
Prize-winning volume, the first study of baseball as played by everyday Americans: working people, boys, military players, college players, women, blacks, Indians, and prisoners.

Baseball's Creation Myth: Adam Ford, Abner Graves and the Cooperstown Story, Brian Martin, McFarland, 2013.

Baseball's First Inning: A History of the National Pastime through the Civil War, William Ryczek, McFarland, 2009.

Beer and Whisky League, The, David Nemec, Lyons & Burford, 1994.

Before the Curse: The Glory Days of New England Baseball, 1858-1918, Troy Soos, Parnassus, 1997.
An excellent overview of early New England baseball. Good discussion of all major league teams from the six state region. Several of the most accomplished amateur/semi-pro teams of the era are also highlighted.

Before the World Series: Pride, Profits and Baseball's First Championships, Larry G. Bowman, Northern Illinois, 2003.

Before They Were Cubs: The Early Years of Chicago`s First Professional Baseball Team, Jack Bales, McFarland, 2019.

Best Bet in Beantown, G.S. Rowe, Pocol Press, 2003.
A base ball mystery surrounding the exploits of Will Beaman, in the employ of the 1897 Boston Beaneaters. Star short stop Herman Long has just been beaten and left for dead in the locker room. Filled with romance, red herrings, exciting game reportage, heart-pounding chases, and shady characters that dive deeply into the sordid world of 19th century base ball.

Big Dan Brouthers: Baseball's First Great Slugger, Roy Kerr, McFarland, 2013.

Big Sam Thompson: Baseball's Greatest Clutch Hitter, Roy Kerr, McFarland, 2015.
Biography of an early baseball "big stick."

Bill James Historical Baseball Abstract, Bill James, Villard, 1986.

Biographical Dictionary of American Sports: Baseball, David L. Porter, ed., Greenwood Publishing, 1987.
Superior work containing many 19th century ballplayer bios.

Biographical Dictionary of American Sports: Baseball: 1989-1992 Supplement, David L. Porter, ed., Greenwood Publishing, 1992.
An update of Porter's previous biographical book.

Biographical Dictionary of American Sports: Baseball: 1992-1995 Supplement, David L. Porter, ed., Greenwood Publishing, 1995.
A further supplement to Porter's biographical book.

Black Baseball in New York City: An Illustrated History, 1885-1959, Larry Lester, McFarland, 2017.

Black Baseball, 1858-1900: A Comprehensive Record of the Teams, Players, Managers, Owners and Umpires, James E. Brunson III, McFarland, 2019.

Blackguards and Red Stockings: A History of Baseball`s National Association, 1871-1875, William J. Ryczek, McFarland, 1992.

Boom and Bust in St. Louis: A Cardinals History, 1885 to the Present, Jon David Cash, McFarland, 2020.

Brief History of Baseball, A, Francis Richter, Sporting Life Publishing, 1909.

Buck Ewing: A Baseball Biography, Roy Kerr, McFarland, 2012.

Bud Fowler: Baseball's First Black Professional, Jeffrey Michael Laing, McFarland, 2013.
Biography of the first African American to play organized baseball.

But Didn't We Have Fun? An Informal History of Baseball's Pioneer Era, 1843-1870, Peter Morris, Ivan R. Dee, 2008.

Candy Cummings: The Life and Career of the Inventor of the Curveball, Stephen Robert Katz, McFarland, 2022.

Cap Anson 1: When Captaining a Team Meant Something: Leadership in Baseball's Early Years, Howard W. Rosenberg, Tile Books, 2003.
The first book to star Cap Anson since his ghostwritten biography in 1900, and the most definitive writing to date on the 1880 and 1890 Chicago presidencies of Albert G. Spalding and James A. Hart. The ultimate resource on 19th century discipline of players.

Cap Anson 2: The Theatrical and Kingly Mike Kelly: U.S. Team Sport`s First Media , Howard R. Rosenberg, Tile Books, 2004.
The definitive word on baseball`s ties to the theater through 1900, and doubling as the definitive bio of Kelly.

Cap Anson 3: Muggsy John McGraw and the Tricksters: Baseball's Fun Age of , Howard R. Rosenberg, Tile Books, 2005.
Everything you’d ever want to know about the extent of tricky and dirty play in early baseball.

Cap Anson 4: Bigger Than Babe Ruth: Captain Anson of Chicago, Howard W. Rosenberg, Tile Books, 2006.
Argues that Uncle Anse drew the wittiest coverage in print over a long career and post-career, of any player.

Cap Anson: The Grand Old Man of Baseball, David L. Fleitz, McFarland, 2005.
Extraordinarily influential player and spokesman and the game’s first superstar.

Capital Sporting Grounds: A History of Stadium and Ballpark Construction in Washington, D.C., Abrams L. Brett, McFarland, 2009.

Chief Sockalexis and the 1897 Cleveland Indians, John Phillips, Capital Publishing, 1991.
Many early baseball watchers called Sockalexis, a man debilitated by alcohol, perhaps the greatest player ever. One of the earliest athlete-dying-young tragedies.

Chris Von der Ahe and the St. Louis Browns, J. Thomas Hetrick, Pocol Press, 2016.
Seymour Medal Finalist biography of the innovative baseball team owner of the St. Louis Browns from 1882-1898.

Chronology of Latin Americans in Baseball, 1871-2015, Lou Hernandez, McFarland, 2016.

City Games: The Evolution of American Society and the Rise of Sports, Steven A. Reiss, University of Illinois Press, 1989.

Cleveland Baseball: The 1894 Spiders, John Phillips, Capital Publishing, 1991.

Cleveland Indian, The, Luke Salisbury, The Smith, 1992.
Fictional, speculative account patterned on the life of the original Cleveland Indian Louis Sockalexis, whose brief career was cut short by alcohol.

Coal Barons Played Cuban Giants, The: A History of Early Professional Baseball in Pennsylvania, 1886-1896, Paul Browne, McFarland, 2013.

Columbus Baseball History, 1876-1981, Charles Westlake, Pfeifer Printing Company, 1983.

Complete New York Clipper Baseball Biographies, The, Jean-Pierre Caillault, McFarland, 2009.

Complete New York Clipper Baseball Biographies, The, Jean-Pierre Caillault, McFarland, 2009.

Connie Mack and the Early Years of Baseball, Norman Macht, University of Nebraska Press, 2007.

Creation of American Team Sports: Baseball and Cricket, 1838-1872, The, George Kirsch, University of Illinois Press, 1989.

Cricket in America, 1710-2000, P. David Sentance, McFarland, 2006.
Explanation of the connection between cricket and early baseball.

Cuban Baseball: A Statistical History, 1878-1961, Jorge S. Figueredo, McFarland, 2011.

Cultural Encyclopedia of Baseball, The, Jonathan Fraser Light, McFarland, 1997.

Cy Young, Lew Freedman, McFarland, 2020.

Cy Young: A Baseball Life, Reed Browning, University of Massachusetts Press, 2000.
He must have been doing some decent hurling to have pitching's greatest award named after him. Here's the story of the outstanding armed Denton True "Cy" (for Cyclone) Young whose career bridged the 19th and 20th centuries.

Days of Wee Willie Keeler, Old Cy, and the Baseball Wars: Scenes From the Dawn of the Deadball Era, 1900-1903, The, Chuck Kimberly, McFarland, 2014.

Deaf Players in Major League Baseball: A History, 1883 to Present, R.A.R. Edwards, McFarland, 2020.

Death at the Ballpark, Robert M. Gorman, McFarland, 2009.

Death at the Ballpark: More Than 2,000 Game-Related Fatalities of Players, Other Personnel and Spectators in Amateur and Professional Baseball, 1862-2014, Robert M. Gorman, McFarland, 2015.

Detroit Tribune`s Epitome of Base Ball, The, , Detroit Tribune Publ., 1887.

Detroit Wolverines: The Rise and Wreck of a National League Champion, 1881-1888, The, Brian Martin, McFarland, 2018.

Diamonds in the Rough, John Bowman, Contemporary Publishing, 1996.

Diamonds of the North: A Concise History of Baseball in Canada, William Humber, Oxford Univerity Press, 1995.

Diamonds: The Evolution of the Ballpark, Michael Gershman, Houghton Mifflin, 1995.

Double Play in Beantown, G.S. Rowe, Pocol Press, 2005.
The third installment in the Will Beaman Baseball Mystery Series, this book picks up in 1901 with the protagonist testing his baseball team loyalties between the National League Beaneaters and the upstart American League entry Boston Pilgrims. This time, the amateur detective Beaman feels compelled to solve the murders of young women.

Early Baseball and the Rise of the National League, Tom Melville, McFarland, 2001.

Early Baseball in New Orleans: A History of 19th Century Play, S. Derby Gisclair, McFarlnd, 2019.

Early Dreams, David Nemec, Pocol Press, 2004.
This classic narrative provides a fictional account of a young man struggling to become a regular player in Cincinnati in 1884. With box scores; profiles of baseball pioneers; and a robust, penetrating storyline.

Early History of Amateur Base Ball in the State of Maryland, 1858-1871, The, William Griffith, John Cox, 1897.

Early Image of Black Baseball: Race and Representation in the Popular Press, 1871-1890, James Brunson III, McFarland, 2009.

Early Innings: A Documentary History of Baseball, 1825-1908, Dean A. Sullivan, University of Nebraska Press, 1995.
A document of the early game using the game's early documents.

Early Professional Baseball and the Sporting Press: Shaping the Image of the Game, R. Terry Furst, McFarland, 2013.

Early Professional Baseball in Hampton Roads: A History, 1884-1928, Peter C. Stewart, McFarland, 2010.

Ed McKean: Slugging Shortstop of the Cleveland Spiders, Rich Blevins, McFarland, 2014.

Ee-Yah: The Life and Times of Hughie Jennings, Baseball Hall of Famer, Jack Smiles, McFarland, 2005.
Shortstop Jennings excelled as a player on the 1890s Baltimore Orioles and as manager with the early-century Tigers of Ty Cobb.

Elysian Fields: The Birth of Baseball, Thomas Gilbert, Franklin Watts, 1995.
Well-done scholarly account of the game's earliest days.

Encyclopedia of Baseball Cards, Vol I: 19th Century Cards, The, Lew Lipset, Centereach, 1983.

Encyclopedia of Major League Baseball Teams, Donald Dewey, Harper Collins, 1993.

Ernest Thayer's "Casey at the Bat": Background and Characters of Baseball's Most Famous Poem, Jim Moore, McFarland, 1994.

Eyes of the Sporting Scene 1870-1930: Will and June Rankin, New York`s Sportswriting Brothers, Pamela K. Bakker, McFarland, 2013.

Fade-away, The, George Jansen, Pocol Press, 2007.
A Native American is fished out of the water in this fanciful tale, and therein begins a wild ride through amateur town baseball in 1900 San Francisco.

Fall Classics of the 1890s, John Phillips, Capital Publishing, 1989.

Fifty-nine in '84: Old Hoss Radbourn, Barehanded Baseball, and the Greatest Season a Pitcher Ever Had, Edward Achorn, Smithsonian, 2010.
Incredibly, Radbourn is the pitcher who won 59 games for the 1884 Providence Grays, toiling so frequently that he could not comb his own hair.

Fine-Looking Lot of Ball-Tossers, A: The Remarkable Akrons of 1881, Richard L. McBane, McFarland, 2005.

First Boys of Summer: The 1869-1870 Cincinnati Red Stockings, The, Greg Rhodes, Road West Publishing Company, 1994.

Fix Is In: A History of Baseball Gambling and Game Fixing Scandals, The, Daniel E. Ginsberg, McFarland, 1995.

Fleet Walker`s Divided Heart, David W. Zang, University of Nebraska Press, 1995.

Forgotten Championships, The, Jerry Lansche, McFarland, 1989.
Precursor volume to the much better realized Glory Fades Away.

Former Major League Teams: An Encyclopedia, Donald D. Jones, McFarland, 1995.

Foul Ball in Beantown, G.S. Rowe, Pocol Press, 2006.
In Foul Ball in Beantown, Will Beaman is sickened with a mysterious disease and underemployed. He suddenly finds himself caught up in the controversy surrounding the 1918 Red Sox-Cubs World Series. The American public is far less interested in baseball and its budding star Babe Ruth and instead is focused on the War in Europe, the growing influenza outbreak, and other social ills. But, gamblers threaten to ruin baseball. Can Beaman stop the plot and resue the game?

Frank Grant: The Life of a Black Baseball Pioneer, Richard Bogovich, McFarland, 2022.

From Cartwright to Shoeless Joe: The Warwick Compendium of Early Baseball, Ron McCullouch, Warwick Publ., 1998.

From Pastime to Passion: Baseball and the Civil War, Patricia Millen, Heritage Books, 2001.

Game of Brawl - The Orioles, the Beaneaters, and the Battle for the 1897 Pennant, Bill Felber, University of Nebraska Press, 2007.

Game of Inches, A, Peter Morris, Ivan R. Dee, 2006.

Gentlemen at the Bat: A Fictional Oral History of the New York Knickerbockers and the Early Days of Base Ball, Howard Burman, McFarland, 2010.

Ghosts in the Gallery at Cooperstown: Sixteen Little-Known Members of the Hall of Fame, David L. Fleitz, McFarland, 2004.
Many early luminaries are included: Bulkeley, Cummings, Burkett, Nichols, Wallace, Selee, and McPhee.

Glory Fades Away: The Nineteenth Century World Series Rediscovered, Jerry Lansche, Taylor Publishing, 1991.
The finest look at early baseball's championship games. Bristles with excitement and unusual oddities.

Grace, Grit and Growling: The Hartford Dark Blues Base Ball Club, 1874-1877, David Arcidiacano, self published, 2003.

Great American Baseball Team Book, The, David Nemec, New American Library, 1992.

Great Encyclopedia of 19th Century Major League Baseball, The, David Nemec, Donald L. Fine Books, 1997.
Simply put, the best and most comprehensive narrative and statistical study of the 19th century game. A must own.

Great Teams of Baseball, The, Ralph Horton, Horton Publishing, 1988.

Green Cathedrals, Philip J. Lowry, Addison Wesley, 1992.
Arguably the book that started the rash of books about stadia. And, still one of the finest. Several publisher editions exist of this marvelously named work.

Harry Wright: The Father of Professional Base Ball, Christopher Devine, McFarland, 2003.

Haymakers, Unions and Trojans of Troy, New York: Big-Time Baseball in the Collar City, 1860-1883, The, Jeffrey Michael Laing, McFarland, 2015.

Heavenly Twins of Boston Baseball, The, Donald Hubbard, McFarland, 2008.
Dual biography of Hugh Duffy and Tommy McCarthy.

Henry Chadwick: A Baseball Biography, Andrew Schiff, McFarland, 2007.

Hero of the Heartland: Billy Sunday and the Transformation of American Society, 1862-1935, Robert Martin, Indiana University Press, 2002.

History of Cuban Baseball, 1864-2006, Peter C. Bjarkman, McFarland, 2007.

History of Cuban Baseball, 1864-2006, A, Peter C. Bjarkman, McFarland, 2014.

Home Team: A Full Century of Baseball in Baltimore, 1859-1959, A Patriotic Story, The, James Bready, , 1958.

Humorous Stories of the Ball Field, T.P. Sullivan, M. Donahue, 1903.
An early master talent scout and manager tells some of his most ribald tales.

If I Never Get Back, Darryl Brock, Crown, 1990.
A fictional, rollicking account of the 1869 Cincinnati Red Stockings, baseball's first professional team.

Indian Summer: The Forgotten Story of Louis Sockalexis, the First Native American in Major League Baseball, Brian McDonald, Rodale Books, 2003.

International League: Year-by-Year Statistics, 1884-1953, The, Marshall D. Wright, McFarland, 1998.

Irish in Baseball, The, David L. Fleitz, McFarland, 2009.

Irish in Baseball, The: An Early History, David L. Fleitz, McFarland, 2009.

Jews and Baseball: Entering the American Mainstream, 1871-1948, Burton A. Boxerman, McFarland, 2007.

Jimmy Collins: A Baseball Biography, Charlie Bevis, McFarland, 2012.

Joe Quinn Among the Rowdies, Rochelle Nicholls, McFarland, 2014.

John McGraw, Charles Alexander, Viking, 1988.

July 2, 1903, Mike Sowell, Macmillan, 1992.
Biography of Ed Delahanty, from the author of The Pitch That Killed.

Kid Nichols: A Biography of the Hall of Fame Pitcher, Richard Bogovich, McFarland, 2012.

Krank: His Language and What It Means, The, Thomas Lawson, Rand Avery, 1888.
One of the more bizarre efforts, originally printed in the shape of a baseball. Contains incredibly quaint and archaic language of early baseball fans, then called "cranks."

Labor and Capital in 19th Century Baseball, Robert P. Gelzheiser, McFarland, 2006.
Explores early history of the professional game, and player-owner relationships, through the prism of the 1890 player rebellion.

League Park: Historic Home of Cleveland Baseball, 1891-1946, Ken Krsolovic, McFarland, 2013.

League That Failed, The, David Q. Voigt, Scarecrow Press, 1998.

Legends of Louisville: 1876-1899, Phillip Von Borries, Turner Publishing, 1997.

Level Playing Fields: How the Groundskeeping Murphy Brothers Shaped Baseball, Peter Morris, University of Nebraska Press, 2007.

Live All You Can: Alexander Joy Cartwright & the Invention of Modern Baseball, Jay Martin, Columbia University Press, 2009.

Long Before the Dodgers: Baseball in Brooklyn, 1855-1884, James L. Terry, McFarland, 2002.

Lost Art of Baseball Humor (1860-1900), The, Gerard S. Petrone, Pocol Press, 2018.

Louis Sockalexis: The First Cleveland Indian, David Fleitz, McFarland, 2002.

Louisville Grays Scandal of 1877: The Taint of Gambling at the Dawn of the National League, The, William A. Cook, McFarland, 2005.
What happened when four Louisville players were charged in this scandal.

Major League Baseball in Gilded Age Connecticut, David Arcidiacono, McFarland, 2010.

Major League Baseball Players of 1884, Paul Batesel, McFarland, 2011.

Major Leagues, David Pietruscza, McFarland, 1991.

Middletown's Season in the Sun, David Arcidiacono, self published, 1999.
Detailed history of Connecticut's first major league baseball team, the Middletown Mansfields (1866-1872). Recounts the Mansfields' surprising rise from amateur factory team to the major leagues and their struggle to survive on that level against long odds.

MISFITS! Baseball`s Worst Ever Team, J. Thomas Hetrick, Pocol Press, 1999.
Doomed to failure, the 1899 Cleveland Spiders took the field. The result is hysterical and historical.

More Nineteenth Century Stars, Frederick Ivor-Campbell, ed., The Society for American Baseball Research, 1995.

National Association of Baseball Players, 1857-1870, The, Marshall D. Wright, McFarland, 2000.

National Game: Second Edition, The, Alfred H. Spink, Southern Illinois University Press, 2000.
Reprint of original 1911 volume.

National Pastime, The, John Thorn, The Society for American Baseball Research, 1984.
Nineteenth century baseball pictorial issue with rare photos.

Negro Leagues, The, 1869-1960, Leslie A. Heaphy, McFarland, 2013.

Never Just A Game: Players, Owners, and American Baseball to 1920, Robert F. Burk, University of North Carolina Press, 1994.
Covers the business end of baseball, relying heavily on Seymour's history of the period.

New York Aces: The First 75 Years, Mark Rucker, Arcadia, 2005.

New York and Brooklyn Baseball Clubs, The, June Rankin, Richard Fox Printer, 1888.

New York Clipper Woodcuts 1879-1880, Lew Lipset, ed., , 1984.

New York Giants Baseball Club: The Growth of a Team and a Sport, 1870-1900, The, James Hardy, McFarland, 1996.
The club that helped to propel baseball into being the national pastime.

Night Casey was Born: The True Story Behind the Great American Ballad "Casey at the Bat", The, John Evangelist Walsh, Overlook, 2007.

Nineteenth Century Baseball: Year-by-Year Statistics for the Major League Teams, 1871 through 1900, Marshall D. Wright, McFarland, 1996.

Nineteenth Century Stars, Robert L. Tiemann, ed., The Society for American Baseball Research, 1989.
Superb, definitive, short biographies of the game's early heroes. When doing nineteenth century biographical research, start here.

Old Time Baseball, Harvey Frommer, Taylor Publishing, 2006.

Orator O`Rourke: The Life of a Baseball Radical, Mike Roer, McFarland, 2006.
Bio of colorful player advocate, player, manager, umpire, owner, league president, and rhetorical master Jim O`Rourke.

Our Game: An American Baseball History, Charles Alexander, Henry Holt and Company, 1991.

Page Fence Giants, The: A History of Black Baseball`s Pioneering Champions, Mitch Lutzke, McFarland, 2018.

Peverelly`s National Game, John Freyer, Arcadia, 2005.

Photographic Baseball Cards of Goodwin & Company (1886-1890), The, Jay Miller, et al, Unknown, 2009.

Play Ball: Stories of the Ball Field, Mike Kelly, McFarland, 2006.
Reprint from 1888. The author, better known as the rambunctious "King" Kelly, a Hall of Famer, spins his baseball yarns.

Play for A Kingdom, Thomas Dyja, Harcourt Brace, 1998.
Superb fictional account of Civil War combatants hashing out their troubles on the ball field.

Player`s League: History, Clubs, Ballplayers, and Statistics, The, Ed Koszarek, McFarland, 2006.
The doomed league is explored in great detail including a biographical dictionary of the participants.

Players and Teams of the National Association, 1871-1875, Paul Batesel, McFarland, 2012.

Players League Guide 1890, Ralph Horton, Horton Publishing , 1989.
Reprint, similar in content to the Spalding Guides.

Playing for Keeps: A History of Early Baseball, Warren Goldstein, Cornell University Press, 1989.

Practical Ball Playing, Arthur Irwin, American Sports Publishing, 1895.

Primitive Baseball, Harvey Frommer, Atheneum, 1988.

Pud Galvin: Baseball`s First 300-Game Winner, Brian Martin, McFarland, 2016.

Rank and File of 19th Century Major League Baseball: Biographies of 1,081 Players, Owners, Managers and Umpires, David Nemec, McFarland, 2012.

Reach Baseball Guides 1883-1905, Ralph Horton, Horton Publishing, 1987.
Reprint of 19th century editions.

Record of the Boston Base Ball Club Since Its Organization, George Wright, Rockwell and Churchill, 1874.

Red Stockings of Cincinnati: Baseball`s First All-Professional Team and Its Historic 1869 and 1870 Seasons, The, Stephen D. Guschov, McFarland, 1998.

Reporting Baseball`s Sensational Season of 1890: The Brotherhood War and the Rise of Modern Sports Journalism, Scott D. Peterson, McFarland, 2015.

Richter`s History and Records of Baseball: The American Nation`s Chief Sport, Francis Richter, Richter Publishing Company, 1914.

Riotous 1896 Cleveland Spiders, The, John Phillips, Capital Publishing, 1997.

Rise and Fall of American Sport: Mudville`s Revenge, The, Ted Vincent, University of Nebraska Press, 1994.

Rise of Milwaukee Baseball: The Cream City From Midwestern Outpost to the Major Leagues, 1859-1901, The, Dennis Pajot, McFarland, 2010.

Roger Connor: The Home Run King of 19th Century Baseball, Roy Kerr, McFarland, 2011.

Rowdy Patsy Tebeau and the Cleveland Spiders: Fighting to the Bottom of Baseball, 1887-1899, David L. Fleitz, McFarland, 2017.

Rules of Baseball: An Anecdotal Look at the Rules of Baseball and How They Came to Be, The, David Nemec, Lyons & Burford, 1994.

Scientific Ball, Fred Pfeffer, N. Fred Pfeffer Publ., 1889.

Slide, Kelly, Slide: The Wild Life and Times of Mike "King" Kelly: Baseball`s First Superstar, Marty Appel, Scarecrow Press, 1996.
Award-winning study of the always colorful Mike Kelly, whose life and times were shortened by strong drink.

Sliding Billy Hamilton: The Life and Times of Baseball's First Great Leadoff Hitter, Roy Kerr, McFarland, 2010.

Sol White`s History of Colored Baseball, With Other Documents on the Early Black Game, Sol White, University of Nebraska Press, 1996.

Southern Association in Baseball, 1885-1961, Marshall Wright, McFarland, 2002.

Southern League: Baseball in Dixie, 1885-1994, The, Bill O'Neal, McFarland, 1994.

Spalding Baseball Guides 1876-1905, Ralph Horton, Horton Publishing Company, 1987.
Reprints of original 19c volumes, chock full of period statistics, schedules, analysis, advertisements, and commentary.

Spalding`s World Tour: The Audacious Adventure That Took Baseball Around the Globe and Made It America`s Game, Mark Lamster, Public Affairs, 2006.

Sphere and Ash: A History of Baseball, Jacob Morse, J.E. Spofford, 1888.
If for nothing else, this early history of the game offers one of baseball's best book titles.

Spiders: Who Was Who, The, John Phillips, Capital Publishing, 1991.
Mini-biographies of the 19th century players of the Cleveland Spiders.

Sport in Industrial America, 1850-1920, Steve A. Reiss, Harlan Davidson, 1995.

Sporting Time: New York City and the Rise of Modern Athletics, 1820-1870, A, Melvin L. Adelman, University of Illinois Press, 1986.

Sports in North America: a Documentary History 3: vol 3: The Rise of Modern Sports, 1840-1860, George B. Kirsch, ed., Academic International, 1992.

Sports in North America: a Documentary History 4: vol 4: Sports in War, Revival and Expansion, 1860-1880, George B. Kirsch, ed., Academic International, 1995.

Squeeze Play in Beantown, G.S. Rowe, Pocol Press, 2004.
The second volume of the Will Beaman baseball mystery series. This one finds the too-smart-for-his-own-good protagonist, who works for the 1897 Boston Beaneaters team, knee-deep in prickly labor issues and the recovery of a stolen historical manuscript.

St. Louis` Big League Ballparks, Joan M. Thomas, Arcadia, 2004.

Storied Stadiums, Curt Smith, Carrol & Graf, 2001.

Stories of the Baseball Field, Harry Palmer, Rand McNally, 1890.
Pure silliness; an anecdotal fun romp through archaic green fields, brown dirt, and bat and ball.

Strikeout: A Celebration of the Art of Pitching, William Curran, Crown, 1995.

Strikeout: A Novel About Baseball, Broadway, and the Brotherhood, James Hawking, Sunstone Press, 2012.

Summer of Beer and Whiskey, The: How Brewers, Barkeeps, Rowdies, Immigrants, and a Wild Pennant Fight Made Baseball America's Game, Edward Achorn, Public Affairs Books, 2013.

Sunday at the Ballpark: Billy Sunday's Professional Baseball Career, 1883-1890, Wendy Knikerbocker, Scarecrow Press, 2000.
Extraordinary tale of extraordinary man - the ruffian baseball player-turned evangelist.

Sunday Baseball: The Major Leagues' Struggle to Play Baseball on the Lord's Day, 1876-1934, Charlie Bevis, McFarland, 2003.

Tale of Four Cities, A: Nineteenth Century Baseball`s Most Exciting Season, 1889, in Contemporary Accounts, Jean-Pierre Caillault, McFarland, 2003.

Ted Sullivan: Barnicle of Baseball, The Life of the Prolific League Founder, Scout, Manager and Unrivaled Huckster, Pat ONeill, McFarland, 2022.

Texas League: A Century of Baseball, The, Bill O'Neal, Eakin, 1987.

The Complete New York Clipper Baseball Biographies: More Than 800 Sketches of Players, Managers, Owners, Umpires, Repoters and Others, 1859-1903, Jean-Pierre Caillault, McFarland, 2009.

The Culture and Ethnicity in Nineteenth Baseball, Jerrold I. Casway, McFarland, 2017.

The Great Match and Our Baseball Club: Two Novels from the Early Days of Base Ball, Trey Strecker, ed., McFarland, 2010.
Reprint of 1887 and 1884 novels.

The Haymakers, Unions and Trojans of Troy, New York: Big-Time Baseball in the Collar City, 1860-1883, Jeffrey Michael Liang, McFarland, 2015.

The League That Lasted: 1876 and the Founding of the National League of Professional Base Ball Clubs, Neil W. McDonald, McFarland, 2004.

The Page Fence Giants: A History of Black Baseball`s Pioneering Champions, Mitch Lutzke, McFarland, 2018.

The Prehistories of Baseball, Seelochan Beharry, McFarland, 2016.

The Tecumsehs of the International Association: Canada`s First Major League Baseball Champions, Brian Martin, McFarland, 2015.

They Gave Us Baseball, John M. Rosenburg, Stackpole Books, 1989.

Tim Keefe: A Biography of the Hall of Fame Pitcher and Player-Rights Advocate, Charlie Bevis, McFarland, 2015.

Tip O`Neill and the St. Louis Browns of 1887, Dennis Thiessen, ed., McFarland, 2019.

Touching Base: Professional Baseball in the Progressive Era (revised ed.), Steven Reiss, University of Illinois Press, 1999.

Turbulent Seasons: Baseball in 1890-1891, Charles C. Alexander, McFarland, 2011.

Two in the Field, Darryl Brock, Plume, 2002.
A sequel to If I Never Get Back.

Two-Eyed League: The Illinois-Iowa of 1890-1892, The, Raymond Schmidt, R. Schmidt, 1994.

Vintage Base Ball: Recapturing the National Pastime, James Tootle, McFarland, 2011.
Re-creating the past by playing base ball today with early rules, equipment, and uniforms.

Washington Nationals: 1859 to Today, The, Frederic J. Frommer, Taylor Publishing, 2006.

West Virginia Baseball: A History, 1869-2000, William E. Akin, McFarland, 2006.

What about the Villa? Forgotten Figures from Britain's pro baseball league of 1890, Joe Gray, Fineleaf Publishing, 2011.

When Johnny Came Sliding Home: The Post-Civil War Baseball Boom, 1865-1870, William J. Ryczek, McFarland, 1998.
The most comprehensive account of the years preceding the first professional baseball league. Provides excellent insight into baseball's transitional period from amateur recreation to professional sport.

When the Dodgers Were the Bridegrooms: Gunner McGunnigle and Brooklyn`s Back-to-Back Pennants of 1889 and 1890, Ronald G. Shafer, McFarland, 2011.

When the Mets Played Baseball on Staten Island, Larry Lupo, Vantage Press, 2000.
Written by a Staten Island native, this thin book covers the 1886 season for the Metropolitan club of the American Association in good detail.

Where They Ain't:: The Fabled Life and Untimely Death of the Original Baltimore Orioles, Burt Solomon, Free Press, 1999.
With the title taken from star batsman Wee Willie Keeler, this volume concentrates on the remarkable Orioles National League squads of the 1890s, who specialized in umpire baiting, cheating and dirty play, strategy, and...winning.

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